Cloverlick Banjo Shop is making a difference in this community and inspiriting others to do the same. Just in our first year we have:
- Raised $1,300 for the Foco Cafe
- Built and paid for a beautiful shaded structure with solar panels that power an off grid system for a growing dome at Mountain Sage Community school
- Covered the cost to have new refrigerator equipment hooked up at Vindeket Market (a market in town that saves food from being thrown away and has a free grocery store for those who need food relief)
- Raised money for local environmental causes
- Begun the butterfly alley project beautifying our neighborhood with art work and butterfly flower boxes
- Repaired instruments and provided instruments for those who can’t afford them at no charge
- Hosted our first annual earth day celebration with live music, food, drink, popsicles and a kids creative corner all donation based which went to the artists
- Provided the space and resources for local musicians to produce professional music videos and live music videos
- Put out a video series of free banjo lessons
Your donations are used to deliver programs and projects that benefit our community.
Other Cloverlick Community Outreach Goals
- Starting our Lil’ Pickers program in which we will sponsor 3 children a year by buying them an instrument and providing free lessons
- Continue to empower musicians and artists in the community
- Powering the banjo shop with solar by 2020
- Educating the public on environmental and community conscious ways to run a business and create art
- Raising funds through music events and other means that go directly back into the community in positive and impactful ways
- Working in partnership with local non-profits to raise funds and awareness for their cause
- Continue raising money for Sustain Music and Nature organization

The banjo shop has acted more as a community hub than anything else. Yes, we make and sell banjos but we also build dreams.
If you are and artist or philanthropist.
If you are a farmer or small business owner.
If you would like to become an artist but don’t know where to start we are here to inspire and remind you that each of us has a unique gift and something to offer to the world.
We are working in partnership with a non profit called Sustain Music and Nature. Sustain is a non-profit organization that creates partnerships between the music industry and environmental organizations.
We are proud members of SUSTAIN GREEN ROSTER. and committed to not only helping them raise money but to meet all of their green initiatives.
- Our building is made and finished with 90% repurpose material
- Our lighting is LED low wattage efficient lighting
- We host bike-in events around town
- We build our banjos from as much repurposed wood as possible
- We salvage wood from local stair and door companies to prevent it from being burned or thrown in a landfill
- We use eco-friendly finishes on our instruments
- We make beautiful jewelry from our wood scraps